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Trish Trombly

My love for nutrition began in high school, and I've been learning ever since. I have a BS in Dietetics from UC Davis, and I'm a certified  nutrition consultant through Bauman College. I'm also a licensed RESTART® instructor, certified gluten practitioner and chapter leader for the Weston A Price Foundation.


After getting married and having 3 children, my own health struggles eventually led me to seek help from a holistic health practitioner who taught me many principles of natural health. With God’s help I recovered enough to go back to school and get further training.  My passion is to help others learn what their bodies need to feel their best and reach their full potential.


In 2010 I launched Trombly Nutrition, a private nutrition consulting practice. I strive to help my clients improve their health through education and ongoing support in a caring, nurturing environment. I believe that establishing a good relationship with my clients is a big part of the healing process.  I also really enjoy teaching people in a group setting where they benefit from the support of others. My classes always include a food demo, to assist people in making the transition from theoretical knowledge to practical, healing life changes. 


As a Yolo County chapter leader of the Weston A Price Foundation, I help people in the area find local sources of real food including organically grown fruits and vegetables, pasture-raised animals and animal products, and other traditional foods. I’ve been a member of the Davis Food Co-op for many years, and have also established relationships with many of the farmers in the area. After all, good health begins with real food!


My expertise is in using traditional whole food nutrition to help people with a variety of health challenges including gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, gastrointestinal problems, blood sugar imbalances, liver problems, low metabolism, high blood pressure, and weight issues, among others. Services include private nutritional counseling, health groups and classes, menu planning, food shopping, and therapeutic cooking, your house or mine, if you live in or near Davis, California.  I offer both in-person and phone consultations including zoom. My most recent endeavor has been to become a licensed RESTART® instructor, currently teaching classes in-person and online. I absolutely love watching participants transform their health through real food, real education, and real support. 

                                                                                                                                                                                              I’ve been married to my wonderful husband Craig for 44 years and have 3 amazing children who have awesome spouses, along with 6 very fun grandchildren. I’ve been active in my Christian church in Davis for many years and greatly enjoy organic gardening, playing my accordion, bike riding, swimming, and boogie-boarding in the ocean whenever I have a chance!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



"It was my good fortune to have crossed paths with Trish Trombly a few years ago.  I was wrestling with some health issues and getting very little support from my medical doctor. I believed in food as medicine but I couldn’t see or grasp the details of a plan to feel better. I found Trish through the Weston Price Foundation and knew intuitively she was speaking to my need for comprehensive nutritional support. And boy, did she come through.


For several months we got together and she guided me towards making better choices always explaining and making sure I understood why. We started with two or three changes which made total sense and then added to that every few weeks to build a new foundation of habits. We went at my own pace and she would ask me to report back, making sure that these were reasonable and sustainable before adding more. She did a couple easy demonstrations in her own kitchen and often had me taste a new food, a new tea, a new flavor. 


Over a few months I dropped 40 pounds and I remember telling Trish it was the easiest weight loss I had ever done! Nutrition had always been interesting to me and it was so fun learning from Trish. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I would encourage anyone who is looking to feel better through changes in their diet to spend some time with her. I used to call her my angel . Now I also consider her my friend."
-B. M., Elk Grove, CA



" My daughters and I didn't know how to eat healthy. Should we eat low fat foods or high fat foods? Canola oil or olive oil? Which oil do I cook with and which oil do I use as a salad dressing? Should we buy low fat or regular yogurt? Red meat or chicken? Are nuts okay to eat? What about crackers? And that didn't include when to eat. Should we fast for 16 hours and eat two meals, or snack all day?

I found it extremely difficult to shop the grocery store with so many different certifications and recommendations.

Trish was able to quell the questions and put us on the path to healthy nutrition. She taught me how to shop the outside aisles or the store and where to get the most beneficial supplements for brain health as my daughter struggled in school to stay focused and concentrate. Trish makes a difficult subject easy to understand."

-J.T., Davis, CA

My friend suffered from migraines and I had knee problems and was considering a replacement, so we decided to attend Trish’s class on gluten. Trish said that many people had problems because of wheat. One statement she made really hit me. As much as 30% of the population had problems with wheat and never end up knowing it.
That being said, I decided to try this new idea. I ate no wheat for several months. 


Then I went on a trip to Israel and proceeded to eat wheat 3 to 4 times per day for two weeks. By the time I left Israel I could hardly walk. There it was, evidence that the gluten-free diet had been working. I stopped eating it for the next several months. One day I was walking down my friend's stairs holding a lot of tools and things in my hands, and I was struck by the fact that I had no pain and I had just walked down the the set of stairs without supporting myself by hanging onto the rail. The next time I really noticed I was better was when I was climbing up into a boat wearing all of my scuba gear, approximately 60 pounds soaking wet. My knees were able to support me!! My knees are 100% better than they have been in 40 years. Thank you Trish for changing my life!!

-C.M., Dixon, CA

"Trish helped me with my gut ailments, when western medicine no longer could. 

I still use the regimen she assigned me five years ago."

-E. R., Woodland, CA

Testimonials 1
Testimonial 2
Testimonial 3
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